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“God Saves the World Again”
Two Thousand years ago God, “Our Heavenly Father,” sent his only “Begotten Son,” Jesus Christ into the world to save man from the “Eternal Death” of Sin! In the Thirty-Three years, that Jesus walked the earth, growing up, learning, and then preaching “His Gospel” of the New Testament, preaching Love and not Hatred for each other. In the thirty-three years that Jesus walked this “Earth” He changed the world forever! Unlike “Medusa that lived about five hundred years and did nothing but turn people into “Stone” and just Died!”
Jesus was tortured, humiliated, sneered, and “Nailed on the Cross At Calvary” to die so that our sins could be forgiven, and “He” did this voluntary for “All of God’s Children” as we were all created by “God” in “His” Image, such a “Image of Beauty,” no matter how different that we all may seem in our outward appearance. Out inward appearance, “Our Souls-Our Spirits” are all the “Same!” God sent Jesus Christ into this world to “Save It, Not Judge It!”
Two-Thousand and twenty-four years later “God” Saves the world again. In a “Split Second” “God” saves the life of a man who “Will” do “God’s Will,” in stopping, the power of those evil, ill minded, power hungry, and rich of the world, those whose “Souls” are driven by power, moral starvation and who are so attached to “Materialism!”
A distinction from those who are rich, giving, helping humanity and whose “Souls,” are guided by God and “The Holy Spirt” and not “Soul stealing materialism.” This “Split Second Intervention” saving a “Life” not only saved the “Path of Men & Women” in this country, America, but also “The World!” That “Split Second Intervention!”
History will record for future generations that God Saved and Took the world back from “The Corrupt and Heartless Evil doers” and “He” gave the “World” that “Miracle” that people are always praying for. Some people do not realize that “Yes,” that “Split Second” was a “Miracle.” Some will not believe it because, they “Knew-Not the “Future,” that was before them. They had no vision of the “Future, the Destructive Future of Evil, Chaos, Death, Rape, Murder, and a Plague that would have destroyed and changed the lives of all People, Young and Old and the future of generations not born yet forever! You see and hear it in the news every day but nothing is as terrifying as it could be!
“God Spoke” and clearly said that “I AM” The Lord Thy God and “I AM” in total control of this “World” that I created and “All” that is in it including “All of My Children!”
Most people live in a small part of the big world that surrounds us. Our world stems around our homes, our children, those we love and our jobs, our work that we do to support our chosen lives. God gave us all “Free Will” with the only restrictions being God’s Commandments of which we are to live by in our “Communities.” God also gave us Jesus Christ and “His” Holy Gospel Teachings, to Love Our Neighbors and Stop the Hatred! God, our “Creator” gave us the right to “Free Will-Freedom,” which Our Founding Fathers, Inspired and guided by God, included in Our United States Constitution. The Constitution “Guarantees” us those Freedoms provided in “The Bill of Rights!”
It guarantees that we have the freedom to live our lives in the manner that we choose and not force or enslaved to do otherwise. This “Freedom” that God gave us, we shall try to never lose, or we will not only lose our freedom but also “Our Souls!” For when freedom is gone so shall God be stolen from the world much like taking away the slogan on our money, “In God We Trust!”! God is “The Truth,”
God removed from our lives; the “World” would become a Place of Evil, Chaos, Death, Rape, Murder, in other words “A Plague!” It would not be a pleasant place to live and those beautiful “Dreams” you once “Dreamed” would be “Horrific Nightmares,” it would not be the pleasant vision that we would want for all those whom we love and the “Country” that we Love and Cherish! Let Jesus Christ be with you each day of your life and pray for those “Miracles” that you want to happen! Have Faith Visit: prayerscircle.com
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