in Cleveland

"There Was A Time"


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Posted in: Cleveland Churches



“There Was a Time”

There was a time in our lives when men & women worked together to have a fulfilling marriage or relationship. When they worked together to raise their children with not only love but “Discipline, Respect for their elders, respect for Learning and Work.” Such things as learning to do “Chores,” at home. Learning to do those “Chores,” that help youngsters build a “Foundation” for work ethics, and not laziness!

Loving “Parents” who spent time reading or telling their children stories, giving them inspiration to “Read” so many of the “Great Novels” that Story, Book Writers, have created, even “The Greatest Book the Bible!”

In today’s lifestyle it seems that we have lost so many things that made having and being a family a great and a positive achievement!

Today we are being trained to be like “A.I.!” Taught to do jobs, to perform tasks for income that leads only to buying “Expensive Toys,” for adults or children. We have dual incomes in households that don’t seem to go as far as just the one income in years past. This may be because going to work is not all profit. There are expenses involved such as automobile expenses, lunch expenses, having to meet a dress code as well as looking presentable for the job you are hired to do. Then there are children that must be driven to school and back home, Day Care & After School Care for those children which consumes a good chunk of your earnings. Then there are the State or Federal Income Taxes you owe on your “Dual Income” and “Lastly” all the “Stress, the Weariness, and the little time or energy left to devote to the “Marriage, Relationship or to your Children!”

When “Covid” hit the world, everything changed in our lives! People had to stay home; with spouses, children, pets, and get to know each other spending more time at home together than ever before. Learning how to cope more with “Stress” while trying to endure all the horrible news! Now is a wonderful time to “Work” from home giving everyone more time to interact with family and saving a considerable amount of “Driving Time,” Expense and the Stress of dealing with traffic on the roadways!

What I am suggesting is that we need to make decisions on the life we want to choose, and how we will manage it to make it work and be successful for the parents and even more so for the children! We need and should raise and guide our children, to “Enrich” their lives not just with “Money, but with Discipline, and Knowledge of the world. They must be taught that one day they will be a part of the “World” in a chosen field of contribution to God, Country and family!

When we help teaching; tutoring our children at home with the full realm of “Education” from Religion, Politics, The Arts, Music, learning to read, write, and to expand their mind and the way they think. This will help create a hunger for “Learning” more than in any crowded and disruptive School Classroom could ever do! In today’s school classrooms, “Teaching” is extremely hard due to the lack of discipline, disruptive interruptions, distractions, language barriers of students and such!

Disruptive “Students” in classrooms should be furloughed to Home Schooling by their parents or Tutors until they can act in a respective manner towards “Teachers” and other students who are there wanting to learn!

This way “Teachers” can use their Teaching Abilities to “Teach & Awaken” the Minds of their students who will be future business entrepreneurs, inventors, teachers, scientists, physicians and future leaders of our communities and country!

Capitalism has gotten into people’s pocketbooks and wallets. Everything is thrown at you in commercial advertising and it goes on a Credit Card or Interest-Bearing Loan that never gets paid off, and the high interest charges suck up a chunk of your paycheck. It’s not that you don’t need or want what they are selling you, but financial overspend leads to dire consequences. Impulsive decisions to buy without thought or planning will lead to financial problems that affect your marriage and family! We “Lease” this Life that God has given us to live. Everything we buy from automobiles, clothes, Cell phones, computers, television and even our Homes that we live in have to be replaced or repaired! All these things that we think we need or want for us, or our children cost “Money” that we earn through our “Job” and suddenly after paying “Bills”, it’s “Gone!”

God gave us a mind that we can learn to use. In using our minds to make decisions in life we must learn how to make “Common Sense Decisions;” these decisions require “Thought & Evaluation” of your financial circumstances before making a financial commitment to “Buy” or start a “Project”, that will require Cash and Financing!

While making the time for Financial Planning, we must also make the “Time” for bringing Jesus Christ into our lives. For “Jesus Christ” should be the “Center of Your Family’s Universe” because “He” is “The Center of The Entire Universe!” Teaching ourselves, our children, how to live through “The Eyes of Jesus Christ,” following “His” teachings of Love in “The New Testament” and keeping God’s Commandments given to Moses, for God’s Children to “Live By!”

There is “Goodness & Evil” in this world that we live in and our “Choice” as to “Who” we follow should be Jesus Christ, our “Savior,” our Conciliary, our Mentor, who sacrificed his “Life” for all of us so that “Sins” could be forgiven and we could be granted Eternal Life in “Paradise,” instead of Death Eternal in “Hell!” The other choice would be to follow the way of “The World” indulging in “The Seven Sins of the World.” Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath and Sloth, which will surely “Guarantee You a Ticket to Eternal Death & Hell!”

*Goodness is that “Trait” in our DNA, which gives us that heart warming feeling when we do or help someone in need. There are few in this life or in the “History” of “Man,” that never needed help. We have all needed and received help at one time or another. When you feel that you are in your darkest hour and need that “Help” that you cannot see coming to you, “Reach Out” to Jesus Christ and ask “Him” for what you may so desperately need for you or your family! For if you “Believith” in “Him”, He will answer your “Cry!”


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