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New studies have shown that humans only use 8% of their DNA.
Which means there is still a whopping 92% of your DNA that is unused!
Mainstream scientists refer to this as Junk DNA
But the truth is this IS NOT junk DNA
This is simply DNA that hasnt been activated yet.
And the experiment sending the identical twin Mike Kelly to space
Proved that you can activate your DNA.
In fact, its spawned a whole new scientific phenomenon thats becoming more and more mainstream.
Its called Epigenetics which is just the scientific term for changes that happen to your body when certain genes are either activated or deactivated .
So at this point, its been scientifically proven that you CAN in fact activate DNA.
And thanks to the NASA experiment, we now know that the 92% of DNA that scientists used to call junk DNA
Isnt junk DNA at all
Its just DNA thats waiting to be activated!
Watch the video
===== https://bit.ly/3OKTv0W
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