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"Do You Think That" $0.0
“Listen Do You Think That” Listen: Do you think “People” who “Love **** Christ, “The Son of ****, The Savior of...
What is Scientology?
What is Scientology? Scientology describes itself as a **** that was founded in the 1950s by L. Ron Hubbard. At the core of Scientology is a belief...
Tools for Financial Security $50
Tools for Financial Security How do you unlock the doors to success in the game of life? There is an answer to achieving all you want out of life...
Successfully Parenting Tweens & Teens $50
Successfully Parenting Tweens & Teens Raising your tweens and teens does not have to be a struggle. It can be one of your most rewarding...
Salvaging a Marriage Get back the happiness you once shared. When a marriage... $50
Salvaging a Marriage Get back the happiness you once shared. When a marriage seems headed for trouble, what is the remedy? If a couple is constantly...
Maintaining a Happy Marriage $50
Maintaining a Happy Marriage What does a happy relationship depend on? What elements keep it alive and rewarding? And what can you do so your...
Formulas for Living $50
Formulas for Living If personal relationships go wrong, what should you do? If you are in debt, how should you handle it? If your job goes sour, how...
How to Achieve Self-Confidence $50
How to Achieve Self-Confidence Self-confidence is something most people would like to have more of, but aren’t sure how to get. Did you ever...
Knowing Who You can Trust $50
Knowing Who You can Trust Good or bad…how can you tell people apart? Your survival depends on knowing who you can rely on. But how can you...
Personal Values and Integrity $50
Personal Values and Integrity Someone who is honest and outspoken will accomplish his goal far easier than someone who is dishonest and withdrawn...
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