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(500) European Night Crawlers - Shipped USPS...


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Ad number:#1037000334
Contact:Jerry J. Roberts Sr.
City:Gardner, KS


European Night Crawlers – Shipped USPS...

(500) - $50.00

(1000) - $85.00

(1500) - $130.00

Great for Composting

Excellent Fish Bait

No refrigeration required

Cash - Pay Pal

Note:  USPS First Class Ground Advantage...

Super Reds are still considered Composting Worms...  They tend to go deeper than the Red Wiggler which can allow them to better handle temperature fluctuations...  ENC can handle  cooler temperatures than many other worms...  Super Reds are one of the best fishing worms available...  They will slow down when temperature reach the 50's...

May lose some of their weight in shipping...  Resulting from shipment in mostly dry bedding, not allowing the temperature distress them...  Remove the worms from the bag they are shipped in and transfer into a new container with fresh bedding...  They will regain their weight in 2 - 5 days...  They are shipped in enough bedding for shipping, --- not enough to live in... 

NOTE:  We may delay shipment during extreme heat, cold weather and holidays if, unable to guarantee live delivery...

Also Note:  We ship our worms bed run...  There will be an even mixture of mature and non-mature worms...  We do not guarantee all bait size worms upon delivery...  Within 8 weeks all worms will be mature...  Bed run worms may have more than one species...  Reproductive rates will change with the weather,  moisture & food waste content...  Worms will consume anything organic, --- during the process of decomposing...  No teeth, --- they vacuum their way thru, --- while leaving castings, “Nature’s Organic Fertilizer”… We ship to the (48) Continental United States...

Shipped Orders must be placed by Sunday 12:00 Noon to make the Monday, Tuesday Shipping...


Roberts Worm Farm

Gardner, KS

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